“How many μm can there be?”
High-precision kit for horizontal machining centres
Dr Marcus Otto: “We are outstripping the competition with the solid rock machines and their unique temperature and vibration stability.”
The tuning kits for the automotive industry transform expensive luxury cars into even faster, more comfortable and nicer-looking one-offs. The Starrag Group high-precision kit prioritises the highest level of accuracy over speed, comfort and appearance. A highlight is the “solid rock” option: The optional granite bed made of natural stone provides a high level of long-term stability.
“The high-precision kit is particularly suitable for our medium and large horizontal machining centres with their large traversing paths”, explains Dr Marcus Otto, Head of the Business Unit Transportation & Industrial Components. “Therefore, a special focus on accuracy was required here. We differentiate ourselves from the competition with our special machine bed (HEC 1000 -1800 Athletic) and the tempered machine stand.”
The Chemnitz-based company was especially meticulous when searching for the ideal material for the machine bed: As the world’s foremost manufacturer of horizontal machining centres, they eventually decided on granite, which has reliable long-term behaviour because of the material-related absence of internal stress and signs of corrosion. But the solution was not just any old granite. The Starrag Group found a supplier for the monolithic machine beds, which use natural stone with a very homogeneous structure, good damping characteristics and a very low tendency to absorb water. Last but not least, this natural stone is also used by leading manufacturers of measuring machines.
At comparable static rigidity, the thermal transfer is halved when compared to conventional steel, cast or mineral cast constructions. The material-related high heat capacity makes the machine beds particularly resistant to short-term temperature fluctuations without additional control measures. These characteristics lead to a thermal stability of the machine beds that has not previously been achieved.
XXL machining with μm precision: The high-precision kit with the bed made of natural granite is especially suitable for medium-sized and large horizontal machining centres with their large traversing paths.
- More profitability thanks to process-stable production
- More production security through high long-term stability and low maintenance requirements
A temperature control system of the machine stand keeps all structural components at a constant temperature level and prevents temperature-related displacements. The efficiency of this temperature stabilisation was doubled by the patented insulation. This screens the machine stands from ambient temperatures and internal heat sources. Dr Otto: “Because neither the bed nor the stand move, the accuracy is increased enormously.” This means that the customer can use the unique position accuracy of the Starrag Group machining centres without complex air conditioning in its production halls. The user can quickly compensate for the price premium for the high-precision kit as the Chemnitz innovation generally makes air conditioning in halls superfluous: However, anyone who already has air-conditioned halls may not need the granite bed. “We are not selling granite or temperature benefits, but customer benefits”, says the Head of Site. The user receives three benefits: The high-precision kit increases profitability thanks to a constantly stable production process (even with changing ambient conditions) and increases safety (low maintenance costs through high long-term stability and low-wear ball screw). It also enables the user to produce high-precision workpieces in the micrometre range, acquire new customers and industries and thus grow. Dr Marcus Otto is therefore sure “that we are positioning ourselves excellently in the international market with the solid rock machines and their unique temperature and vibration stability.”
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