
“We focus on customer-specific solutions – even in uncertain times”

Interview with Walter Börsch, CEO of the Starrag Group

The new strategy of the Starrag Group, from Rorschacherberg, Switzerland is: consistent focusing on attractive and clearly defined market segments. Walter Börsch, the CEO of the group, explains what is changing for customers and why the new customer magazine “Starrag Star”exists.

Dear Mr Börsch, why is the Starrag Group now publishing its own customer magazine?

Börsch: In the future, our group would like to increase its focus on current and potential customers and their actual needs. We consider the new customer magazine “Starrag Star” an excellent medium for showing the added value we can provide with our service offering, which has expanded significantly in the past few years, and how we actively live the part- nership with our customers every day.

In the digital age, is the new print magazine a medium that is at all suitable for explaining the new strategy to customers?

Börsch: Of course we know that today, due to the endless number of pieces of information and the every-present over- flow of stimuli, that it is difficult to draw attention and then to maintain it. Many readers might be familiar with the new lament, “We are overnewsed, but under- informed”. That is why we want to provide our customers with a benefit not just in terms of performance, but also in terms of communication. Therefore, we have to generate relevant content for the customer. The new direction of our group is only one topic among many. In the end the point is to give customers enough good reasons to understand why there can only be one partner for them: the Starrag Group.

And what message do you want to communicate to readers with the first issue of the “Starrag Star”?

Börsch: At the centre is our new, consistent focusing on attractive and clearly defined market segments, which we have selected to fulfil our customers’ basic needs for safety, profitability and growth in the best possible way in the currently very volatile environment with its world-wide crises: For this purpose, the Starrag Group has defined eleven market segments and summarised them in three target markets: “Aerospace & Energy”, “Transportation & Industrial Components” and “Precision Engineering”. One business unit director will take responsibility for each of the three target markets. This service offering comple- ments our excellent global customer service under the leadership of the Customer Service business unit.

How does this reorganisation affect the sales approach?

Börsch: The customers in the respective target markets and market segments have specific needs. The focus of our communication is how we fulfil these needs with innovative machine concepts, leading technology and our excellent global customer service, which I have already mentioned.

Mr Börsch, what challenges does the Starrag Group and its brands have to meet at the present time?

Börsch: Despite fundamentally positive economic indicators, we sense that uncertain times are causing customers to hesitate sometimes before making investments. The greatest challenge for us lies in making clear in all forms of communication that our customer-specific solutions, which are tailored to long- term partnership, are the best choice in uncertain times. However, for a long time only talking about the advantages of Starrag has not been enough. Instead, in the future we must do an even better job of entering a dialogue with our cus- tomers, listening to them and under- standing what they really care about. Because that is the only thing that puts us in a position to develop solutions to our customers’ problems.

“The Starrag Group has an individual solution for you”

Dipl.-Ing. Walter Börsch (1959) studied Mechanical Engineering at Rhineland-West- phalian University Aachen and completed advanced training in marketing at the University of St. Gallen. From January 2012 to the end of 2013 the German graduate engineer was the head of former Business Unit 1 with the Starrag brand in Rorschacherberg (Switzerland) and the technology subsidiaryTTL in Hadden- ham (Great Britain). He has been the CEO of the Starrag Group since April 2014 and Director of Starrag Regional Sales since January 2014.

What aspect of the Starrag Group are you particularly proud of?

Börsch: Our group consists of different companies, each with many years of tradition. However, the merging of com- panies is not an easy process: First of all it requires the right selection, and, after the acquisition, the appropriate integra- tion process for the respective case. This has gone very well for us. Now – connected with the internationali- zation of the group – there is a combina- tion of diversity and commonalities that is having a very positive effect. To realise the resulting synergies and advantages in an ideal way, in the next step the individual communication activities need to be integrated and harmonised, be- cause, as is well known, the whole is more than the sum of its parts.
Now – connected with the internationalization of the group – there is a combina- tion of diversity and commonalities that is having a very positive effect. To realise the resulting synergies and advantages in an ideal way, in the next step the individual communication activities need to be integrated and harmonised, be- cause, as is well known, the whole is more than the sum of its parts.

Mr Börsch, do you have anything else important to say to the readers of the first edition of the “Starrag Star”?

Börsch: In discussions with potential customers I am surprised again and again to find out that they are not aware of the depth and breadth of our service offering. Perhaps we are simply still too reserved in our communication. Therefore my message to readers in all eleven market segments – from machine operators and production managers to entrepreneurs is: The Starrag Group has an individual solu- tion for you that can meet your needs regarding safety, profitability and growth. Come to us and we will have a personal conversation.